Digital Design & 3D Scanning
Transforming Ideas into Digital Reality
Innovate Without Limits with CAD
To bring your ideas to life through 3D printing, a detailed and accurate 3D file is essential. Our in-house CAD experts are here to assist you in every step of the design process, from initial concept sketches to detailed 3D models.
Our CAD capabilities allow us to:
Design new parts from scratch
Modify and optimize existing designs
Repair and prepare files for 3D printing
We accept all standard file formats, including IGES, STEP, and CATIA, but prefer STL files for direct manufacturing.
Digitalization & Reverse Engineering
We transform physical parts into precise 3D digital files through trusted local partners. Using advanced laser and structured light systems, our partners produce high-precision 3D point clouds for any size, material, or geometry.
For reverse engineering, these collaborations ensure accurate digitization and replication of complex parts. We seamlessly integrate 3D scanning and CAD services to meet your specific needs.
Why Choose Norra AM?
From the moment you contact us, our streamlined processes and instant quoting system make ordering prototypes straightforward and hassle-free. We simplify the complex, so you can focus on innovation.
Our state-of-the-art manufacturing technology allows us to produce high-quality prototypes with rapid turnaround times. Whether you need a single prototype or a large batch, we deliver your parts quickly to keep your projects on track.
Based in Hudiksvall, we provide personalized support and fast delivery times. Being local means we understand your needs better and can offer timely assistance and services, ensuring your prototypes meet your exact specifications.